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Class Syllabus PreAlgebra


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8th grade Pre-Algebra

Class Syllabus 2024– 2025

Provided for study in the classroom of Mrs. Maltz at Guthrie Jr. High


Curriculum: The curriculum is guided by the Oklahoma Academic Standards established by the State Department of Education.  It is aligned with the State mandated test that each student will take in the spring.  To view these standards, visit the following website and scroll to Pre-Algebra – (pages 31 – 32):



Supplies Needed:  

  • 3 – ring binder (1 inch works best)
  • Notebook paper (to be maintained throughout the year)
  • Pencils/ Erasers (to be maintained throughout the year)
  • Grading pen (preferably red to be maintained throughout the year)
  • 1 box Kleenex and 1 container of disinfectant wipes would be greatly appreciated (These will be used for the classroom and should be turned into me)


Educational Resource/Textbooks:     Big Ideas Math, Pre-Algebra Oklahoma Edition. This resource will be treated with respect and will be encouraged to be covered throughout the school year. The on-line version is available through your Clever app, as well. You will also find tutorial videos here from your textbook.


Formative Assessments:   We will have an assignment (activity)  to remediate/ practice/ extend skills taught in class.  Any assignment not completed in class should be completed at home, and I will expect it to be ready to grade at the beginning of class the next day.  Each student will grade his/her own assignment, therefore feedback will be immediate. If an assignment is not complete, it should be turned in as “late work.”  I will accept late work for the current unit/chapter.  A grade of 1 point will be given for work turned in past the deadline to be used as a prerequisite for test corrections.  The daily formative assessments will be instrumental in helping students gain the understanding needed to perform well on the summative assessment for each unit/chapter.  I welcome any input on the efficacy of the assignments that are assigned.


Academic Notebooks:    A class notebook (3-ring binder- 1 inch) will be required that will be organized by unit/chapter.  It must contain bell work, examples & notes, Tracking sheet and all evidence of Formative assessment (daily activities/assignments) for each unit/chapter.  A grade will be given at the end of each unit/chapter. The standard-based Tracking sheet will allow each student to track his/her own progress on the learning goal for each unit/chapter, as well as, each daily learning objective.  It will also allow each student to evaluate his/her understanding and help provide meaningful formative assessment.  


Please leave this syllabus in your notebook after it has been signed by both student and parent/guardian to be used as a resource for you throughout the year. I will check this throughout the year to ensure you still have it.

Summative Assessments:  Each unit/chapter will be evaluated through a summative assessment (test).  


Grading:  Grades will be earned through the completion of:

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

Grades will be based on a percentage.  Formative Assessment will be worth 40% and Summative Assessment is worth 60%.  For example:

Formative Assessment Average = 85%

Summative Assessment Average = 92%

Class Average = .40(85) + .60(92) = 89.2% 

I will post grades each week for students to check for missing assignments and monitor their own grade, although this can be done on-line, too. The grading scale will be as follows:

90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

59% and below F

Corrections:  I allow students to improve grades on summative assessments in order to master the skills and concepts previously taught if and ONLY if ALL formative assessments have been completed for that unit/chapter.  These corrections must be completed in a timely manner preferably before the next summative assessment.  For each incorrect problem that is corrected, I will credit the grade ½ the amount deducted for the first time.  For example, if each problem were worth 10 points each, the correction would be worth 5 points.  I will be willing to work with and help students during this process.  The goal is to learn!  


Communication:  I am available from 12:50 – 1:30 daily, or you may leave a message with the secretary for me to return later.  You may also reach me by email at: 



My web page on the GJHS page contains math links and information concerning the class, as well.  Please be aware and inquire about distance learning, on-line grades, progress reports, and report cards.  Throughout the school year there may be unpredictable events, so please check your school email daily for updated information concerning school and our class. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support throughout this year,


Shurlyn Maltz