Mrs. Raney's Class Schedule
- 8:10 - 8:15
- Morning Routine
- 8:20 - 9:30
- Reading instruction and practice
- 9:35 - 10:45
- Math instruction and practice
- 11:00 - 11:25
- Lunch
- 11:30 - 12:00
- Recess
- 12:15 - 12:40
- Small Group Instruction/Centers
- 12:45 - 1:25
- PE/Music/Library
- 1:30 - 1:55
- Small Group Instruction/Centers
- 2:00 - 2:45
- Writing/Social Studies/Science Rotation
- 2:45 - 3:00
- Closing Routine
- 3:10
- Dismissal