Title 1, Part A
The Title 1, Part A program provides supplemental funding to state and local education agencies that pays for resources to improve education quality and help ensure all children in low-income contexts meet the state's student performance standards
Parent Rights
Parents have the right to be involved in the Title 1, Part A program through—
- Parent activities to better prepare their child in their education
- Being informed on the level of achievement of their child
- Being informed if their child has been taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for 4 or more consecutive weeks
- Evaluation, review, and approval of the School-Parent contract
- Attending Parent / Teacher conferences
The Value of Parents
Studies have found that students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to—
- Earn higher grades and test scores and enroll in higher-level programs
- Pass their classes, earn credits, and be promoted
- Attend school regularly
- Graduate and go on to postsecondary education
How to Get Involved
- Join local and national school/parent organizations
- Support school extra-curricular activities
- Volunteer at the school
- Attend parent-teacher conferences
- Communicate with your child’s teachers regularly (email, phone, etc.)
- Keep your child’s teachers informed about events in his or her life which may affect his/her performance at school
- Discuss with your child’s teachers and parent organizations other ideas for parent involvement