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Shonna Trindle
Shonna Trindle image

Hello! My name is Shonna Trindle and this is my 6th year to teach Pre-K at Charter Oak Elementary.  Prior to teaching Pre-K, I taught 1st grade for 12 years for Guthrie Public Schools.  I took a couple years off to be at home as my youngest son finished high school.  

My husband Curt and I have been married for 30 years.  We have 2 sons, both have amazing wives/fiances and two amazing grandbabies.  We love spending time together as a family.  I love to travel, being outdoors and most of all I LOVE being Nonna to Cohen and Blair!

I am looking forward to teaching All day Pre-K this year.  We are going to have a fabulous year! Thank you for sharing your babies with us!

Phone: (405)282-5964 shonna.trindle@guthrieps.net Charter Oak Elementary