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ACT Prep


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Sites for ACT Practice:

**Any of the sites that encourage you to pay, purchase, etc.--- there is no need to do so. Enjoy the freebies offered, and move on. If you do choose to sign up for a free trial, (1) use your school e-mail, and (2) run the other way fast if they want a bank card / credit card number. **

McGraw Hill - I used this one in my ACT Prep class.

ACT -- The Official Site

Number 2 - I used this one in my ACT Prep class.  It is good for quick daily help.


Study --  I really liked some of the videos on this one.

Prep Scholar -- I don't know much about this one.

VarsityTutors - diagnostic and practice exams

Test Guide - I don't know much about this one.

"Rhetorical Skills Information" garnered from http://www.carman.k12.mi.us.


Registration for the ACT exam must be made online.  Click here for the site.  (www.act.org)

Pay attention to the registration deadlines.  Late registration is available but is $27.50 more!

Students on Free & Reduced meals are eligible for two fee vouchers (per lifetime.)  These can be obtained from Mrs. Chadd in the north office.

Students on an IEP can request modifications.  This paperwork must be completed by the IEP Teacher of Record.  

The Guthrie High School Code is 371-565.  The Guthrie Test Site Code is 197-720.  

Space fills up, so sign up early.

The first time you register it will take a bit of time, so plan accordingly.  There are many, many questions to answer.  SAVE your log in information in a retrievable location such as your Google Drive.  You will then use this same log in to retrieve your admission ticket, view your scores, and sign up the next time.  After the initial registration, you will not have to answer the "many many" questions.  Woo hoo!