What can you do to have a successful tutoring session?
1. Come prepared: Bring your notes, problems you have tried (with work shown), have specific questions (why is this a 2? what would be the next step? how do I start this problem?)
2. If your notes are messy/ unorganized: work on penmanship, type them, bring the book to show the examples
3. Be respectful. Tutoring, on my part, is optional. A teacher is someone who leads a formal learning session. A teacher is a professional who follows a curriculum in a structured learning environment. A tutor is someone who helps a student understand the material he is learning. A tutor is informal and gives additional, special, or remedial instruction. Most tutoring is done via a peer tutor. A teacher is always present to direct students, ensure understanding as well as monitor progress.
TI-30 XS - YEARLY Rental $7
TI-84 CE Graphing can be utilized; however, classroom instructions will be given using the TI-36 XS. If a student has a different calculator, it will be up to them to know how to utilize its capabilities.
Algebra II & Pre-AP Geometry with Statistics
TI-84 CE Color Graphing - YEARLY Rental $25
There are limited TI-83 available for YEARLY Rental of $15 and TI-84 available for YEARLY Rental of $20; however, classroom instructions will be given using the TI-84 CE. If a student has a different calculator, it will be up to them to know how to utilize its capabilities.
Algebra III
TI-30 XS - YEARLY Rental $7
Pre-Calc, College Algebra & Calculus AB
TI-84 CE Color Graphing - YEARLY Rental $25